Do Insurance Adjusters Lie?

Seven Lies an Insurance Adjuster May Tell You If you were in an accident or [...]

What Should I Do After a Brooklyn Car Accident?

Few people know what to do after a car accident, especially if you suffer injuries [...]

How Unqualified Truck Drivers Can Create Challenges Throughout Brooklyn

Truck drivers serve a vital service to all the residents of Brooklyn. Drivers help transport [...]

Brooklyn Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue constitutes a serious problem across the United States. As humans, our bodies [...]

Brooklyn Sideswipe Accidents Can Be Deadly

Cars are essentially tons of metal driven at high speeds; bad things happen when two [...]

Brooklyn Road Rage—Boiling Tempers Endanger Everyone

In response to a survey conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, roughly 90 [...]

Why Do We Have so Many Blind Spot Accidents in Brooklyn?

A bustling city contains various distractions both in and out of a vehicle. A blind [...]

What to Do After a Car Accident in the Bronx That Was Not Your Fault

Car accidents are a common occurrence on Bronx roadways, but it always catches you off [...]

Misdiagnosis in the Bronx

Patients trust their doctors and other medical professionals in times of vulnerability, often in life-or-death [...]

Bronx Medical Errors

What You Can Do When Even World-Renowned Hospitals Make Them With more than 150 medical [...]

Are Compensatory Damages from a Personal Injury Claim Taxable?

Serious injuries in an accident can wreak havoc on your finances. Suddenly, you may find [...]

Brooklyn Semi-Truck Accidents

About 2.7 million people live in Brooklyn—roughly 30 percent of New York City’s population. The [...]

Birth Injury Law: What You Need to Know

Choosing to have a child is an exciting decision, but it may also prove frightening. [...]

Brooklyn Tow Truck Accidents

What Should You Do When a Tow Causes You Serious Harm? Tow trucks provide a [...]

Sideswipe Collisions Should Never Take Place in the Bronx

A sideswipe collision is just what it sounds like—one vehicle moves and makes contact between [...]

Why Do Head-On Collisions Happen in Brooklyn?

Head-on collisions are particularly dangerous types of car accidents. And while it may seem, with [...]

What to Do After a Manhattan Car Accident

Asking the internet what you should do after a car accident in Manhattan is kind [...]

When Manhattan Truck Rollover Accidents Take Place

Sharing the road with a large truck in Manhattan is difficult, and often an intimidating [...]

Manhattan Truck Blind Spots

Addressing the Challenge and Avoiding Accidents Big trucks make up only 3.6 percent of vehicle [...]

Why Do Rear-end Collisions Occur in Brooklyn?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over two million rear-end collisions occur [...]