Brooklyn Tow Truck Accidents

What Should You Do When a Tow Causes You Serious Harm?

Tow trucks provide a valuable service when a vehicle breaks down or when one is needed to remove a vehicle from an accident scene. Operating a tow truck requires special skills and a keen focus on safety.

If you suffered serious injuries due to a reckless tow truck driver, a faulty tow truck, or a combination of the two, you may qualify for possible compensation. The medical costs and lost wages you experience are not fair, and a Brooklyn truck accident lawyer could help identify all of the responsible parties and pursue compensation on your behalf. You may want to consider contacting a tow truck accident injury lawyer today to discuss your legal options.

Tow Truck Dangers

An accident involving a tow truck transporting a vehicle is hazardous due to both vehicles’ sheer weight: the truck and the vehicle in tow. An average passenger car ranges in weight from 2,000 to as much as 6,000 pounds. If the tow truck driver loses control, the truck and the car may crash into other drivers.

There are three basic kinds of tow trucks, each with a different approach to transporting an inoperable vehicle:

  • Wheel lift
  • Flatbed
  • Hook and chain

The mechanics necessary to property carry or tow a vehicle can malfunction due to driver error, poor maintenance, or other forms of negligence. A driver may speed, drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or fall asleep behind the wheel. Mechanical issues may include faulty chains that fail to secure a vehicle, poor brakes, or worn tires. A Brooklyn truck accident lawyer could investigate to determine the cause of your accident.

No one expects a tow truck to enter their lane or for the vehicle in tow to break free. When such a dangerous event occurs, there may be little or no time to react. Catastrophic injuries happen quickly yet leave victims with mounting medical costs, an inability to work, and in some cases, a permanent disability.

Tow Truck Driver Injuries

Tow truck drivers and the companies they work for can certainly injure other people. The reverse, however, is also true—negligent drivers can injure tow truck drivers, too. They can crash into tow trucks while they’re hauling vehicles or on their way to help someone. They can hit tow truck drivers while they’re hooking up a car—and like pedestrians, they would have none of the protections of their vehicles to reduce the impact of these collisions. Equipment failure brought on by an employer skimping on maintenance costs could also contribute to an accident.

If you’re a tow truck driver who was injured on the job, you may have a strong workers’ compensation or third-party liability claim. You’ll want to call a truck accident lawyer for help recovering the cost of treating any injuries that resulted.

Your Tow Truck Accident Injuries

The traumatic impact of a collision with a tow truck can leave you —or a loved one —with life-altering injuries. The following injuries may result, and all are potentially devastating and expensive:

Spinal cord injury: The spinal cord performs an important function of communicating with the brain regarding movement and sensation. When this communication becomes disrupted due to injury, a patient may experience limited or no movement or sensation below the injury.

A spinal cord injury typically results in some level of paralysis, making mobility difficult. Investing in a power chair and subsequent replacements throughout the years is often imperative for spinal cord victims. Home modifications to accommodate a power chair are generally necessary and can result in extensive remodeling costs. Add in the cost of modified transportation or an accessible van, and the cost can reach millions of dollars throughout a patient’s lifetime.

Traumatic brain injury: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a bump, blow, jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury typically disrupts normal brain function.

If your loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury, they may experience:

  • Muscle weakness and poor coordination.
  • Diminished problem-solving and memory skills.
  • Loss of sensations, such as taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell.
  • Behavioral changes, resulting in displays of aggression or depression.

Caring for a loved one with a traumatic brain injury is not easy, and neither is placing a loved one in a skilled nursing facility. Ensuring your loved one receives the care they need can be expensive, and paying for such care should not come from your personal finances. The party responsible for your loved one’s traumatic brain injury should pay for the care, and a lawyer could help you pursue legal action for your damages.

Broken Bones: With hundreds of bones throughout the body, breaking more than one is a real possibility in a tow truck accident. Depending upon the type of break, you may face a long recovery that limits your ability to complete daily tasks. A broken arm or leg can require you to need assistance with bathing and dressing. Future surgeries and therapies may prevent you from returning to your career.

Internal Injuries: An internal injury typically exhibits little to no signs or symptoms. Internal bleeding and other types of internal injuries are why it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention following your accident. When left untreated, an internal injury can result in organ damage and possible death.

These are only a few examples of serious and catastrophic injuries resulting from a tow truck accident. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by your situation as you deal with anxiety about your future. A tow truck accident caused by a negligent tow truck driver demands justice. A Brooklyn truck accident lawyer understands how to build a strong case for fair compensation. Consider protecting your best interests by reaching out to a lawyer for a free case evaluation today.

Tow Truck Fatalities and Wrongful Death

Losing a close loved one due to a tow truck accident impacts your life forever. The permanent loss you suffer is something no money can replace. However, a loss of income and funeral costs can cause you sleepless nights. If the tow truck driver, truck company, or both are negligent for the accident, you may want to contact a Brooklyn wrongful death attorney.

An attorney can review your information to determine if you are eligible for filing a wrongful death claim. A key component of eligibility is your relationship with the decedent. Surviving spouses, children, and parents are among the most common types of plaintiffs in New York wrongful death cases.

The types of compensation typically pursued include such damages as final medical expenses for the loved one, along with funeral and burial costs. A loss of income and potential future earnings are also sometimes possible in wrongful death cases.

Non-economic damages—like the loss of companionship—are priceless to you and your family. Conveying the importance of this portion of your loss to an insurance company, a judge, or a jury can be vital for your case. A wrongful death attorney could help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

A Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer Can Fight for You

Securing a lawyer can place your mind at ease, whether you must deal with a serious injury or a loved one’s death. The time immediately following such a tragic event can be confusing as you deal with medical appointments or funeral planning.

Victims of negligence sometimes face additional stress due to aggressive insurance adjusters. An initial settlement offer may appeal to you as you strive to move forward with your life. However, accepting an initial offer without securing legal representation may financially limit you should you or a loved one’s condition worsen.

Compensation for catastrophic injuries caused by a careless Brooklyn tow truck driver can include:

  • Reimbursement for medical expenses, such as medical transport and hospital and doctors’ fees.
  • Compensation for continuous medical costs, like rehabilitation, therapies, prescription medicines, and a skilled nursing facility.
  • Lost wages due to time spent recovering in place of working.
  • Your potential income if you can’t return to your same job as before the tow truck accident.
  • Pain and suffering.

It is not uncommon for a Brooklyn truck accident or wrongful death lawsuit to settle out of court. If your attorney cannot settle with an insurance company, they will typically proceed to trial.

The presentation skills and legal knowledge necessary to secure the best possible outcome for you are why you may want to contact a Brooklyn tow truck accident lawyer today. Civil cases are complex and require a dedicated focus. Consider placing your case in the qualified hands of an attorney so that you can concentrate on your physical and emotional healing.

Quick Action Is Essential for Your Case

The legal clock begins ticking the moment you experience your injury or loss. The statute of limitations refers to New York law regarding the time allowed for pursuing a civil lawsuit. In New York, the deadline is generally three years for Brooklyn truck accident cases and two years for wrongful death.

Time passes in a heartbeat as you adjust to major changes in your life. Whether you face multiple surgeries or the reality of a loved one never returning home, it is easy to lose track of the day, of weeks, and even of months.

If you fail to file your civil lawsuit within the required deadline, you may miss your opportunity for financial compensation forever. Hiring a Brooklyn attorney to assist you with this important legal detail can be vital to protecting your right to fight for what you both need and deserve.

Financial compensation is never guaranteed. However, it is worth pursuing when negligence occurs. Holding the responsible party accountable for their actions can serve as a form of justice. It may also prevent the same type of accident from affecting another person or family.

Civil matters are separate from criminal cases. Should the driver responsible for your accident face criminal charges, those charges have no bearing on your civil action.

Tow Truck Accidents and Accountability

A tow truck driver who engages in dangerous behavior that causes harm to others must face accountability for their actions. Pursuing a civil claim and lawsuit without legal representation might leave you vulnerable to making a poor decision that affects any financial compensation you receive.

Most Brooklyn truck accident and wrongful death lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. Their fee is contingent (dependent) on the outcome of your case. If they do not secure compensation for you, you generally owe no fee for the legal services. Speak with a Brooklyn truck accident attorney to learn more about their fee structure.

You have nothing to lose by consulting with an attorney to discuss your legal options. A free case evaluation can help you learn more about how to move forward. Should the attorney proceed with legal action on your behalf, they will keep you informed as your case progresses.

A tow truck is a necessary vehicle when it comes to removing disabled vehicles from the roads. Careful operation is vital to the safety of other drivers. If you or a loved one suffered unnecessarily due to a negligent tow truck driver, you do not have to fight for compensation alone.

Taking quick action by securing legal representation as soon as possible may be the best decision for your civil case. The sooner an attorney reviews your case, the faster they can begin fighting for compensation.

A Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Having someone by your side as you pursue legal action can be important for your peace of mind. The traumatic event you or a loved one experienced can leave you with various unresolved feelings while you are under tremendous stress.

The knowledge that someone is on your side can help you relax as you spend time recovering or grieving. Referring aggressive insurance adjusters to your lawyer can be invaluable as you deal with multiple life changes.

If a tow truck driver is responsible for your injuries or the loss of a loved one, do not settle for less than you deserve. Discussing your case with an attorney can be an important first step. A lawyer can fight on your behalf for the financial compensation necessary to protect your future or to help pay for a loved one’s care.

A tow truck is no match for a passenger vehicle. An out-of-control tow truck that loses the vehicle it tows is a deadly weapon on a crowded highway or city street. You deserve the chance to pursue fair compensation for the major life changes you experience. Whether your case reaches a settlement out of court or goes to trial, having your best interests protected by a lawyer can be important for securing the best outcome possible.

New York law is challenging, and civil cases are difficult to manage alone. If a negligent tow truck driver changed your life, give careful thought to contacting a Brooklyn truck accident attorney today.