Manhattan Bicycle Accidents & Liability Information

Manhattan is not just a borough; it’s a county—the nation’s most densely populated one. Traffic jams here are so legendary that radical measures to reduce the number of motor vehicles on Manhattan roads are finding credibility among mayoral candidates.

These calls stem partly from curtailing congestion and pollution but also from increasing the safety of our streets. And some of the people most vulnerable to accidents and serious injuries are Manhattan bicyclists.

When you get that many cars next to that many bicycles, terrible accidents don’t need to happen—assuming people drive their motor vehicles safely and responsibly. Manhattan bike accident attorneys know all too well that many do not.

Cars crash into cyclists in Manhattan with shocking regularity. We are not only at or near historic highs for Manhattan bicycle accidents; the data show a general increase of almost 30 percent during a recent 10-year period. Six months in 2020 posted five-year record highs for Manhattan bicycle accidents. Several others came close.

What happens if you join that number and a car hits you or your child while biking in Manhattan? We’ve prepared the following to explain what you need to do. Feel free to share it—though if you post it elsewhere on the web, we’d appreciate a link to this page. We hope it helps everyone in Manhattan understand their rights as cyclists if they find themselves hurt by a negligent driver.

*click to expand

Manhattan Bicycle Accidents Infographic by Jacoby and Meyers