East Meadow Bike Accident Important Information

Located on the southwest corner of Long Island, East Meadow has fewer than 40,000 residents—but as many as 456 bicycle accidents have taken place in the East Meadow area in a single year. The 10-year low is still a whopping 304 bike accidents.

On a good year, that’s far too many accidents for a community of our size.

Maybe you’re an avid cyclist involved in a biking team, or you participate in the annual Mini Mightyman Pool Triathlon. Maybe you like to bike to work or to get groceries instead of congesting East Meadow’s roads and air with a car. Or you moved to East Meadow so your kids would have a safe place to play and ride their bikes. You have an interest in making our community safer for you and everyone else who rides their bikes.

Unfortunately, far too many drivers are more interested in getting where they want to go as quickly as possible than in sharing the road safely with cyclists. When cars and trucks crash into cyclists, tragedy ensues.

That’s why we created this infographic—to help show what can happen in a bicycle accident, and what you can do to protect your legal right to compensation when a negligent driver injures you on your bike. Please share it with bike clubs, children, and anyone else it might benefit. (If you share it online, please link back to this page!)

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