What to Do After a Bronx Car Accident: Important Steps for Protecting Your Best Interests

A Bronx car accident is a traumatic event that changes your life forever. The sudden and violent impact of the collision is the start of countless medical procedures and missed time from work. In addition, your medical costs and inability to work creates financial stress that can keep you awake at night.

If you suffered serious harm in a Bronx car accident caused by a negligent driver, consider pursuing compensation with help from car accident attorneys Bronx.

Bronx Car Accidents and Negligence: Refrain From Admitting Fault

According to the United States Census Bureau data, more than 1 million people live in the Bronx. This highly-populated area of New York makes for congested city streets filled with cars, bicycles, buses, and pedestrians.

Drivers of passenger vehicles must use extra care when sharing the road with these and other road users.

A driver who abuses their New York driver’s license by engaging in the following reckless behaviors places everyone around them at risk for serious harm:

  • Drunk driving: Public safety campaigns, stricter laws, and rideshare services only work if drivers act responsibly. A night out with friends can leave a Bronx driver feeling invisible and capable of driving home safely. According to the National Highway Travel Safety Administration (NHTSA), alcohol impairs reaction times, visibility, and coordination.
  • Distracted driving: Smartphones and texting are just one form of distraction behind the wheel. Other types of distraction involve passengers, navigational devices, and eating. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists three main forms of distraction: visual, manual, and cognitive.
  • Aggressive driving: Heavy traffic can lead Bronx drivers to engage in acts of road rage. Purposely tailgating, verbal altercations, and throwing objects can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle, resulting in a tragic accident.
  • Drowsy driving: A driver may experience drowsiness behind the wheel due to insufficient sleep or an undiagnosed sleep disorder. Drivers who drift to sleep behind the wheel typically awake too late to avoid a crash.

This is not a complete list of the common causes of Bronx car accidents. Regardless of how your accident occurred, do not admit fault. Instead, allow police to conduct an investigation and to determine who was responsible for the accident.

If you suffered serious injuries due to the careless actions of another driver, consider contacting a Bronx car accident attorney for help. The damages you experienced are unfair and worthy of a fight for compensation.

Use Calm and Caution Following Your Bronx Car Accident

The violent impact of a car accident can leave you with multiple serious injuries. Therefore, accepting medical treatment at the scene and transport to the hospital is always imperative for your health.

While it is understandable to feel scared and angry, it is best to remain calm following your accident. Remaining as calm as possible is important for following instructions from first responders and your arrival at the hospital.

A calm approach can also prevent you from saying things that may affect your civil claim and lawsuit. However, it is important to provide a statement to responding police as an official police report can serve as valuable evidence for your case.

Never accept blame for the accident and do not apologize. You may feel sorry for the other person’s injuries; however, an apology is sometimes viewed as an admission of guilt.

Beware of Insurance Adjusters Who Want to Settle Quickly

An insurance adjuster may make you a settlement offer. Hiring an attorney to represent you may cross your mind; however, the insurance company has an offer ready for you.

No matter how tempting the offer is or what the adjuster tells you, think about hiring a lawyer as soon as possible. The offer made to you is most likely the least amount the insurance company wants to pay you.

Insurance companies are notorious for underpaying accident victims what they deserve. Unfortunately, the amount initially offered seems like a large sum as you lie in a hospital bed worrying about your bills.

What most accident victims do not realize is that accepting the initial settlement offer closes the claim. This means there is no chance for a civil lawsuit later, should your medical condition worsen. The amount you accept is final, and there are no further opportunities for pursuing additional compensation.

A Bronx personal injury lawyer can prevent you from accepting less than you deserve. They have the skills and experience necessary for taking on insurance companies that are reluctant to pay a fair settlement. If necessary, a Bronx lawyer can take your case to trial.

Consider Fighting for the Compensation You Deserve

A serious car accident can leave you with more medical bills than you can pay.

Therefore, a personal injury lawyer will generally fight for compensation for:

  • Medical costs: emergency transport, hospital and doctors’ fees, and other related medical care
  • Long-term medical costs: expenses relating to care like that of rehabilitation, various therapies, and prescription medications
  • Lost wages: due to your time away from work
  • Loss of future income: if your injuries prevent you from returning to your career
  • Pain and suffering: the mental anguish you suffer from the accident

The negligent driver should pay for these costs—not you. Unfortunately, many insurance companies want to protect profits rather than help accident victims. This is why you may want to consider contacting a Bronx personal injury lawyer without delay.

Fight for Justice for Your Loved One

If you lost a close loved one in a tragic Bronx car accident, you may want to pursue a wrongful death claim and lawsuit. Fighting for justice and compensation regarding your loss holds the liable person accountable for their actions.

The responsible driver may face criminal charges. If there is a criminal case, it has no bearing on your right to sue for wrongful death. Like personal injury cases, many wrongful death cases settle out of court. It is always smart to hire a lawyer with trial experience should your case land in court.

Money can never replace your loss. It can, however, help ease your financial stress by:

  • Covering final medical expenses for your loved one
  • Paying for funeral and burial expenses
  • Paying lost wages and for potential income lost
  • Covering your loss of companionship and other non-economic losses

Wrongful death law is complex, challenging, and best left to an experienced attorney. It is also a highly emotional time for you and your family as you grieve for your loved one.

A Bronx wrongful death attorney can protect your best interests, leaving you time to reminisce and to plan a service. You must act quickly, however, should you decide to pursue legal action. The New York statute of limitations is two years for filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

A lawyer provides calm and support for families mourning the loss of a beloved family member. To learn if your relationship with the decedent qualifies you for a wrongful death case, consider scheduling a free case evaluation today.

Gather Important Evidence for Your Lawyer

Important evidence from your car accident or one involving your loved one can include:

  • Accident scene pictures
  • Names and phone numbers for witnesses
  • Police report
  • Medical reports
  • Medical bills

The evidence can help your lawyer build a compensation case. Next, your lawyer must prove negligence on the part of the responsible driver. This requires a careful review of evidence relating to your accident.

Consider Contacting a Bronx Car Accident Attorney Now

You may think you want to pursue legal action, yet you have no idea what to do. The first step is to contact a Bronx car accident attorney for a free case evaluation. A member of their legal team can determine if you have a case for pursuing a civil lawsuit.

Once you both decide to move forward, your lawyer can take control. Serious injuries require rest, and there is no rest when you manage your case alone. Consider removing the stress of your case from your shoulders and allowing an attorney to represent you.

Act quickly because of the statute of limitations. While New York allows three years for car accident claims, this time is short for pursuing compensation.

The shorter statute of limitations for wrongful death—two years—is another reason why you must not hesitate if you wish to hire a lawyer. The moment you know someone is on your side is the moment you can focus better on your recovery or grief.

Bronx Car Accident Lawyers Work on a Contingency-Fee Basis

Most Bronx car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that their legal fees are contingent—or depend upon—their success with your case. Simply put, if they do not win compensation for you, you do not owe them attorney fees.

Personal injury and wrongful death lawyers represent clients who experience harm due to negligence. It is this particular focus on civil law that can help your case.

Legal work with accident victims teaches lawyers care and compassion. What happened to you or a loved one was not fair, and your damages are worth a fight for compensation.

The lawyer you hire will fight for the compensation you need and not what an insurance company wants to give you. Standing up to aggressive and reluctant insurance companies requires skills and knowledge of New York civil law.

Your experience was traumatic, and the aftermath is stressful. However, limiting your stress is possible by hiring a lawyer to manage the details of your case. To secure a lawyer, you must act quickly and not speak with insurance adjusters alone.

Bronx Traffic Accidents and Liability For Your Damages

New York City traffic is notorious for congestion and accidents. But, if you suffered serious injuries or lost a close loved one due to a careless driver, a Bronx attorney can help you.

Compensation is never guaranteed. Each Bronx car accident differs in various factors, all of which can influence the outcome of a case. Your lawyer can keep you informed throughout the process by providing you with the latest developments.

All road users must use care as they travel in and around the Bronx. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, trucks, busses, and passenger vehicles navigate Bronx streets in a hurry to reach their destination. When one or more collide, the results are sometimes catastrophic or deadly.

The longer you wait to pursue legal action, the higher the risk of missing important deadlines. A Bronx lawyer understands court deadlines and how to negotiate with insurance companies. This experience is generally invaluable for car accident victims.

Seeking help during this challenging time can alleviate some of your worries and concerns. While it is impossible to know the outcome, it is an easier journey toward justice with someone by your side.

The injuries you suffered or the loss you experienced were most likely preventable had the other driver acted responsibly. Pursuing a claim and lawsuit can hold them accountable for their reckless actions and perhaps stop them from repeat behavior.

A free case evaluation is a positive step in your fight for compensation. However, the medical bills you receive may never stop arriving at your door, especially if the injury is catastrophic or results in a permanent disability.

Consider pursuing payment for your medical costs and other damages with the help of a Bronx attorney. Give careful thought to contacting a Bronx car accident lawyer today for your free case evaluation.