What Are the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Bicycle Accidents?

After a bicycle accident, you may have many questions about how to proceed with a [...]

What Are the Most Common Examples of TBIs?

Traffic accidents are among the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), but people [...]

Fighting the Insurance Company After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Perhaps two of the most harrowing experiences a person will have to deal with are [...]

What Are the Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If you have suffered preventable injuries due to negligence, you have the legal right to [...]

Why Do You Need a Lawyer After Suffering Road Rash in a Bicycle Accident?

You need a lawyer after suffering road rash in a bicycle accident because it gives [...]

How Long Does a Bicycle Accident Claim Take? 

If you sustained severe injuries in a bicycle accident due to another person’s negligent, reckless, [...]

How Safe Is Cycling on the Road?

While not as popular in the U.S. as in European countries, riding a bicycle is [...]

Rideshare Accidents

In today’s fast-paced world, rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have become popular alternatives [...]

What Happens in a Personal Injury Lawsuit After the Deposition?

Navigating the complex process of a personal injury lawsuit can overwhelm anyone, especially when you [...]

What Happens if I Am Injured in a Taxicab Accident?

Taxicab accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving passengers unexpectedly grappling with [...]

What Is Dram Shop Liability?

Businesses may be liable in some cases if they sell alcohol to certain individuals who [...]

What Questions Should I Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer?

When someone suffers an injury due to the negligent conduct of another party, one of [...]

What Are the Chances of Winning a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The chances of winning a personal injury lawsuit vary depending on factors that differ from [...]

What Are Special Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Special damages, also known as economic damages, consist of the expenses and financial losses a [...]

Taking Legal Action After Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Pedestrian accidents can inflict a wide range of devastating injuries. Victims of those injuries frequently [...]

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help You?

Undoubtedly, a motorcycle accident will rank among the scary experiences in your life. The potential [...]

Handling Insurance Company Biases Against Motorcyclists

Motorcyclists typically must pay for separate insurance policies for their bikes. Many people only learn [...]

Do Jaywalkers Have the Right-of-Way?

Jaywalking refers to a pedestrian crossing a roadway outside a marked crosswalk or away from [...]

Do I Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney?

If you’re the victim of a pedestrian accident or you lost a loved one in [...]

Do I Have the Right to Refuse the Insurance Company’s Offer?

You always have the right to refuse an insurance company’s offer to pay you for [...]